Source Code

root beer

The best soft drink on Earth - my vote is for Barq's root beer. The the 50's and 60's it was A&W for me, but it hasn't been the same since the 70's.

Barq's Root Beer gets my vote as the best!

by curt July 20, 2004

258πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž


A website where n00bs thrive and strict rules make things suck. No one has fun because they are not as cool as the people from pbnation.

Dude, I went to pbreview and got banned cuz I was having fun.

by curt February 26, 2005

39πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


is a 4 door car (v.s. a 2 door car reffered to as a coupe)

Last nights party ended ubruptly in the back seat of the sedan with the sheriff in the front seat.

by curt April 6, 2005

84πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is significantly older than those he or she associates with.

YouҀ™re 45 and you still hang out in the ball pit at Discovery Zone... YouҀ™re such an obijohnshinobi.

by curt July 20, 2004

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


an onomatopoeia

a word used when sticking something into another something that is usually soft and wet and sometimes warm

"dude i stuck in in there and it was like *ploik*

by curt May 27, 2004

32πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

the OC

a TV show that is to addictive where rich teenage boys and girls act like they have "problems"

see crack
or bitchboy

dude1:"are you watching the OC?"
dude2:"that shows so addictive its like crack"
dude1:"why the hell is it, it's full of little bitchboys?"

by curt January 8, 2005

16πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


an alternative to ",yo"

instead of "what da deal, yo?" you could use "what da deal, m00?"

Corny but i've been seeing this a lot

by curt May 27, 2004

7πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž