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flappy joe

a fat person jumping around

hey! flappy joe come here

by cute cuddle April 3, 2016


This is the equivalent of 'oh well', 'que sera sera', 'whatever', 'who cares', 'so what else is new'. A sarcastic term used in submission to some unfortunate event, extreme boredom, or to communicate 'I don't care, I don't even care that I don't care'.

Dude: Like no way! I just flushed my bag down the shitter!
Other dude: Haza man....

Boy: I'm so excited! Teacher says we get to study species coelenterata today!
Girl: Well haza....

Woman: Damn I left my car running and locked myself out!
Man: Haza, what else is new?

by cute cuddle June 29, 2016

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