mostly used by women to refer to a casual sexual partner they can call up for a booty call any time, regardless of her relationship status.
It's no-strings, no-emotions, hardcore sex-only.
Men often use the term fuck buddy for the same thing.
A more gender neutral term might be friends with benefits
Karen: "Damn, another lousy boyfriend history, I think I need to call my recyclable, Rico, to get myself grounded before hunting up a new boyfriend.
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1. first time performance of cunnilingus
2. first time using tongue action during fellatio
3. first time using tongue when kissing
etym: debut+tongue cf debutant
So, Joe, I hear you had 3 sisters last night?
Yeah, & everyone involved debutongue!
1. I was the first one ever munched Debbie
2. Carmen was so hot & wild she started tonguing my cock like it was the worlds last ice cream cone!
3. & their baby sister, just 18, responded well to her first french kiss!
All in all, a helluva bargain for just 1 bottle of lemon gin; I highly recommend this ttrio for YOUR post-bar mitzvah party, too!
1. mocking reference to the two popular social networking sites (Facebook & Myspace)
2. double entendre with meaning-1, but also meaning vagina
1. Wanna go chat on facespace?
2. Dude, the only facespace for me is your girlfriend's cunt!
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A spoonerism euophemism for "son of a bitch" used to imply vulgarity, but without breaching censorship rules.
c.f. bullspit
*hits thumb with hammer, when pastor's children are present*
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Spanish slang for "little cunt" also used as a first name. The literal origin is "little seashell"(thus it's prevalence as a given name)
Miguel: I'm dumping my girlfriend -- all she does is bitch & nag at me. . .
Juan: Yeah, that Conchita is a real conchita, eh?
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1. the euphoric feeling you get from finally being included in social situations
2. as opposed to a solitary one, sexual climax with another person or people
1. I've been so isolated for the past yewar that I actually had a social orgasm at the surprise birthday party my coworkers planned for me.
2. Even hermits need social orgasms occasionally, to stay sane & well lubricated.
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When you take a regular taxi & get a free ride by showing your boobs.
A-cup: It cost me a $40 can ride to get here.
B-cup: I paid $25 to Uber
C-Cup: I paid 28 to Lyft.
D-cup: I took Boober! Rode for free!