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The juvenile definition is simnply of a snitch but a rat is really a traitor. If you're onvolved in crime or a gang & you snitch, you are a rat -- & rats must die!

Me & Jimmy whacked that gas station dude cuz he was slow with the money we wanted, then, when the pigs questioned him, he was a wuss and rolled over on me -- so I got to whack the little rat now!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada December 8, 2008

31πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


To prematurely ejaculate; when a man ejaculates sooner than he(and/or she) wanted.

Don: I hear you prejacked with Terri last night. Do you suffer from premature ejaculation?

Jon: Hell no! She's the one who suffered. When I cum, it's right on time!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada December 20, 2016

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


casual referece to either a Leland Mini or Cooper Mini; the former being the car Mr. Bean(character) drove; the latter beingthe commonly believed model of car he drove.

Nice Beanermobile, dude!

I know -- got it cheap & the mileage is extraordinary!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada July 15, 2019

wife vac

A vacuum cleaner that no longer sucks.

I need a new Hoover, my last one just turned into a wife vac yesterday!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada August 10, 2014

blow me dry

A usually derogatory invitation/command for the other to suck you off so many times you'll have no cum left.

To emphasise, add "and call me Dusty!"

Brad: Yo, Chad, wanna go bowling tonight?
Chad Yeah, right, blow me dry & call me Dusty!
Brad: Pardon me?
Chad In other words, Fuck you & fuck off!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada September 1, 2009

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iron maiden

A woman who indulges a kink involving the wearing of metal braces

Ever since being raised in a polio hospital, John has had a lust for iron maidens, girls who dress in only metal polio back & leg braces

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada August 24, 2010

4πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

toss your salad

originally in prison, to have someone eat your ass out, with or without jelly or salad dressing.

Forcing your new bunkmate to toss your salad is a good way to set the tone of respect that keeps him well-behaved.

If he's respectful enough, you might let him use some jelly or salad dressing on it. . .

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada July 26, 2009

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