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A name for the land where the Uyghur live. Mostly used by the nationalists in Xinjiang to refer to the region.

I heard a few protesters refer to the region as Uyghuristan.

by cyclopentane August 8, 2022


the REAL turkish food


by cyclopentane June 9, 2023


General censor for sexual things. Like r34, but used in a way more general way.

I'm going to r7 you real hard.
I saw r7 of kirby. I am now traumatized.

by cyclopentane July 4, 2024


Extremely ridiculous, beyond ridonkulous.

A: Did you see the show last night with the 6 meter pizza?
B: Yeah, that was ridonkulonkulous!

by cyclopentane September 11, 2021


why does everyone hate sinusoids so much?
anyways, sin(x) is the height of a point on the unit sphere which is x radians away from 0 radians

sin pi over two is equal to one.

by cyclopentane June 27, 2023


Someone which would usually be considered a typical nerd, but cannot be classified as one due to their power and social dominance.

Petro just beat the crap out of the newcomers for talking shit about him, then he just continued to do his calculus like nothing happened, total Ischinerd, wouldn't mess with him.

by cyclopentane June 18, 2022


Someone that makes a compromise between between two options that is way worse than either option.
To make a judgement like a Solomon.

Root: An interpretation of the Judgement of Solomon, where he decrees that a baby should be cut in half for two women who claim to be the mother of said baby. Of course, King Solomon doesn't actually cut the baby; it was a test, the real mother pleaded to him to just give it to the other woman.

A: Okay, so we can either go to Taco Bell or fuck.
B: How about we fuck while at Taco Bell?
A: What the fuck, solomon?!

A: Okay, so... We can either get chips or a cake for the party, what should we do?
B: Let's make a chip-flavoured cake!
A: (sigh)... When are you going to stop solomonning all the goddamn time?

by cyclopentane July 11, 2024