Source Code


n. Soiling of the back with feces, typically used in the context of an infant who has overfilled a diaper while supine. May be considered a variant of code brown.

Mom: Sweetie, can you change the baby? He has backpoo.
Dad: Sure, hon. That's a whole outfit change he'll be wanting.

by d@d June 7, 2007

4👍 2👎


n. A combination of "henchman" and "hireling." Intended to be gender-neutral and not necessarily derogatory. A henchling is usually distinguished from a minion by having some degree of free will, and from a henchman or henchwoman by not necessarily being aligned to evil (which the latter typically are).

Dilbert is a henchling of the pointy-haired boss. Though the boss is evil and treats Dilbert as a minion, Dilbert has free will and is not evil himself.

by d@d March 12, 2008

6👍 1👎


adj. Having a fine attention to important details. A combination of "neurotic" and "anal retentive" (both chiefly in pejorative use), but intended in a complimentary sense. cf. nubility, henchling

Carol: Here's an itemized list of what we need to move this project forward. I've already contacted the suppliers for quotes, and checked into applicable taxes that would change the final pricing. It all fits into budget. Any questions, team?
Employee#1: Good on ya, boss!
Employee#2: That's very neural of you. Part of why I like working here.

by d@d March 12, 2008

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