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(One Word)

Verb: To "do goodfood" is to take part in the event of enjoying a delicious meal either from somewhere or home made.

Noun: A meal meeting the requirements to be called "goodfood".

As a verb:
"Dude where are you going?"
-"To sheetz so I can do some goodfood"
"Man I'm trying to do some goodfood here soon"

As a Noun:
"I'm going to sheetz to get some goodfood"

For example: a subway sub is just regular food. But if one were to get a sub, a subway pizza, heat up some nacho cheese with some chips and combine all three, then you are doing goodfood.

by d cast November 24, 2008

15👍 2👎


(One Word)

As a verb: To do goodsnooze is to take a nap of a minimum of four hours, and between the hours of 10 AM and 10 PM.

As a noun: A nap that is at least 4 hours long, not during regular sleeping hours.

Verb: "I'm gonna do some goodsnooze after class"

Noun: " Yo man, I just had a goodsnooze"

by d cast November 24, 2008

1👍 1👎


(One Word)

Verb: to do a goodmovie is to watch a good movie with goodfood and/ or with at least one person of the opposite sex.

Noun: a good movie that you watch with goodfood and/or with at least ome person of the opposite sex

Verb: " hey you wanna do some goodmovie with me?"

Noun: " yo I'm going over to this girl's apartment to a goodmovie"

by d cast November 24, 2008

6👍 6👎