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minister for fun

would define a moody and miserable woman (normally refering to your wife/partner)

tony - are you going out on the piss tonight dave? dave - i better phone the minister for fun and just clear it with her first

by dAVE November 25, 2004

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


*Synonymous with "lies" (greatly depends).

*Being a hypocrite or bearing similar traits to a hypocrite, such as being two-faced & for example, claiming to be for something but in reality isn't.

*A human trait.

"Hypocrisy does suck, yes. BUT, it is in our human nature to be hypocrites. If you don't admit that you're a hypocrite, then you're a hypocrite. ALL human beings are hypocrites. Not just politicians and communists. And believe it or not, not JUST women either!.....although women are known to very hypocritical. Nevertheless, you're a hypocrite, he's a hypocrite, she's a hypocrite, and even I AM A HYPOCRITE. It's all about admitting whether or not you are one. If you admit you're a hypocrite, then you could get somewhere in life. The reason people can't admit that they're hypocrites is because of their ego, and for some, they have their ego because they feel that they have a cause to uphold.....this is especially true of being a politician. A politician is basically a bureaucrat in a sense. Hypocrisy can be evident because of bureaucratic structures, such as the fact that bureaucrats are mindless people who only follow orders. And George W Bush is widely considered a hypocrite because of the liberal elite.......well whatever. We're all hypocrites. Got it?"

by dAVE May 17, 2004

87πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Mikhail Less

My hack toward Michael Moore, to represent his liberalism, and how liberals are popularly portrayed as communists (not ALL libs are commies, but sadly, lots of them are).

Mikhail : a russian name, because Russia used to be a communist nation.
Less : because his knowledge deprives you of logic and sense, or pretty much, thought.

"Mikhail Less, I mean Michael Moore, is evil!"

by dAVE March 25, 2004

6πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A type of patriot who uses racism as means of expressing patriotism.

"An overpatriot would be like, 'America rules! Fuck the frogs, fuck the krauts, fuck the chinks!'."

by dAVE January 15, 2004

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


1. One who is constantly but questionably hurt or injured

2. One who is prone to excuse-making in any softball situation not to his liking

"He says he ruptured his spleen last night playing basketball, but he wants to DH at tonight's softball game - what a Wagnon"

by dAVE December 22, 2003

4πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


To win a pissing match.

Pandas do handstands while pissing in order to mark their territory as high as possible so that shorter pandas can not come along and piss over their piss.

I panda'd this thread.

by dAVE November 22, 2004

29πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


*A European country.

*To be neutral; to be neither good nor bad, to neither attack nor be attacked; derived off of Switzerland's peaceful, stable nature.

"Switzerland makes cool knife kits, and is said to have lots of banks. ^_^ Then again I say that because I hear a LOT about how people deposit some of their money into Swiss banks."

by dAVE June 17, 2004

78πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž