Source Code

Neo Vietnam

A common reference to Operation : Iraqi Freedom. This term, Neo Vietnam, is something I made up though, to symbolize how this is like Vietnam, but set in modern times, and actually not as bloody as Vietnam....yet the environment, although a desert, is somewhat like Vietnam, in that there are enemies that pop out of nowhere and slaughter our troops!

"Come to think of it, 'Vietnam' shouldn't be a reference to ALL wars."

by dAVE November 5, 2004

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


The technical term referring to those with white-colored skin.

"Caucasians are now a target of persecution by all races, even their own kind (see Michael Moore)."

by dAVE September 13, 2004

541πŸ‘ 671πŸ‘Ž

gene therapy

The process of being able to transplant genes with new genes that are supposed to improve physical capability.

With the completion of the Human Genome Project, we can now detect genes that cause certain things. If we find a gene that causes illness or cancer, we can remove that and replace it with something better! That's just one of many examples of what gene therapy will do for us! ^.^

"Sounds like fun!!!.....but it's expensive. And immoral, depending on the circumstances."

by dAVE March 26, 2004

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Smells Like Teen Spirit

The most overrated song that has been #1 for almost a decade, always beating out the superior Michael Jackson's Thriller video. Sung by Kurt Cobain, commonly referred to by degenerate youth as "God".

"Smells Like Teen Spirit sucks. Thriller is a better song, and a better music video. You know it, and I know it. So get over it."

by dAVE December 26, 2005

403πŸ‘ 351πŸ‘Ž


Tits'n'ass. ^.^

"Give it up for T'n'A! ^o^ "

by dAVE March 26, 2004

458πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

wank xerox

wanking maestro,never ending tosser..

"little timothy cant stop wanking now,the little blighter is at it from dusk till dawn every day"

by dAVE May 20, 2003

2πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Stan Lee

Mr. Spider-Man, Mr. Marvel, and most recently, Revolver Ocelot!

"He is a co-producer of Spider-Man. Also, on a cooler note, you can find him at videogame conventions like E3, sometimes with Hideo Kojima! ^.^ "

by dAVE October 12, 2004

254πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž