Source Code


Japanese word for "good & evil".

Zen : Good
Aku : Evil

"We're all zenaku if you think about it. Think of it as yin-yang."

by dAVE January 15, 2004

41πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A really cool guy that plays Delta Force Land Warrior.

Hey Fulltilt you kick ass.

by dAVE March 12, 2003

14πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


Term coined in the 80s, describing a certain demographic of Young Updwardly-mobile Professional as found in cities and fast-paced business environments.

Yuppies differ from your bog-standard "business man" due to their relatively young age, their blatant arrogance, bloody-minded ambition and the fact that they care more about their work and making money, than the fact that everyone thinks they are a complete twat.

Any of the characters in American Psycho

by dAVE July 23, 2004

644πŸ‘ 288πŸ‘Ž

Bender belch

A belch that sounds like how Bender, from Futurama, belches. It is basically a belch with the last half of it going up in pitch, almost like a belch made while smiling.

-a rough idea of how the belch is spelt

by dAVE October 20, 2004

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A word indicating an action or doing things.

Such verbs include:
.....among MANY others.

In this day and age, anything can be a verb.

"Verb...it's whatcha do!"
-that commercial

by dAVE April 4, 2004

211πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


a real awesome event/thing/object

dave the shmarl

by dAVE January 11, 2004


*Ammunition casing.

*British terminology referring to negative quality.

*Another term for "money".

*Synonym for "shoot", used often by Australian military terminology.

*Powerful military commanders who, for example, call certain shots.

MOM : "Don't forget to pick up the brass when you're done shooting your Garand, OK?"
ME : "Whatever. Not like we have a reloading kit or something..."

LIMEY : "That bitch was brass mate!"

DRUG-DEALER : "No brass, no deal. Now get outta here."

AUSSIE : "Ah'll brass that bitch up mate!"

LIEUTENANT : "The operation was a success!"
COLONEL : "I noticed. I'm gonna bring it up with the Brass later on. Hope they accept the results though....you know how nervous and picky the Brass can be."

by dAVE June 7, 2004

226πŸ‘ 143πŸ‘Ž