Source Code

cold one

Alcohol, especially beer.

"I'm gonna take a leak and maybe grab a cold one at the bar..."
-Franky "The Bat" Niagra, Max Payne

by dAVE May 15, 2004

120πŸ‘ 247πŸ‘Ž


Absolute badass motherfuckers. A single 4-man group could probably defend themselves against half of Al-Qaeda. The best exponents of the FN Minimi light machinegun.

The Elitest of the Elite. Equalled but not bettered (in most respects) by The US Navy SEALS, the Russian Spetznaz and Delta Force.

OH MY FUCKING GOD, 1 man from the SAS has a machete and he's gonna gut all of my 99 AK47-armed Talibans. RUN!!!!

by dAVE February 16, 2004

269πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž


Special Air Service.

The name for England's most powerful, elite special forces squad, specializing especially in counterterrorism. History dates back to WWII, thus making this unit also specialize in battlefield tactics.
What makes the SAS so superior in countless aspects is that their men have experience. The training is, naturally, extremely rigorous and demanding, and to top it all off they put you through a jungle course that lasts for 7 weeks. If you make it through the SAS's hellish training, you EARN a beret (as opposed to the US Army Green Beret being given them).

The SAS is perhaps the second most powerful commando unit in the world, just slightly below the US Navy SEAL unit. But as mentioned before, the fact that the SAS are experienced could make their superior American counterpart look a little iffy in certain areas.

"There's also the german GSG-9 (Grenschutz Gruppe) & KSK (Kommando Speziel Kraft), the french GIGN (I forget what it means, which is no surprise because I bearly remember french-writing), the italian COMSUBIN (Italian Navy SEAL's), south-korean RKMC (Republic of Korea Marine Corps, aka : Invincible Marines), israeli Sayeret, japanese SAT (Special Assault Team), among COUNTLESS other special units......but the SEAL's and SAS are practically thee cream of the crop."

"Who dares, wins!"
-SAS Motto

PS : Actually, the german GSG-9 and japanese SAT are more homebound-operated....I think the SAT is homebound, I dunno, maybe further....but Germany uses the KSK for international capabilities. Just FYI.

by dAVE February 16, 2004

30πŸ‘ 337πŸ‘Ž


A term used by burn outs.

It is no longer groovy to use to word groovy

by dAVE September 20, 2003

12πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


A HOT mom you'd wanna hit all night long.

Dude... Cassandra's mom is a milf! MILF! MILF! MILF!

by dAVE May 28, 2003

21293πŸ‘ 10631πŸ‘Ž


mother I'd like to fuck

Madonna was cute, but hey, she's now a MILF

by dAVE September 23, 2003

314πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž


The founding principle of the United States of America. There are all kinds of freedoms that many are ungrateful for; perhaps the real freedom that is mentioned so much is FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY. And if you stop and think about it, that's saying a LOT.

"America is unique in that it has no history of dictators, and it never will. Ignore what those liberals tell you. We have it very lucky here in America. America does have its ups & downs, and it is not perfect, but keep in mind about how lucky you have it here. If you hate it so much, then fuck off and move to France, where you, an American, will be treated like shit just because of your nationality."

by dAVE July 14, 2004

25πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž