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Stupid White Men

Some book from Michael Moore which I don't care to read. But with a name like that, well, seriously! Holy shit is he outta his mind? As if he isn't already? Now I'm not only questioning what his nationality is, but what his color is! White, isn't it?

As funny as it looks and sounds, it's so oxymoronic, don'tcha think?

"Michael Moore proves that being anti-white isn't racist....it's popular!"
-some dude who posted a definition of Michael Moore

"Although Michael Moore is white, he'll still be raped by the KKK because he's anti-white."

by dAVE March 21, 2004

68πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


Any person of a nation's military. This term is nowadays used to refer to one of ANY branch of the military, even the Air Force and Navy.

"US soldiers are the shit. Do not talk shit about them, you cold-hearted fuck."

by dAVE November 7, 2004

213πŸ‘ 201πŸ‘Ž

jimbo luckin

a situation in which a family member interupts an explicit moment between lovers. the 'jimbo luckin' may or may not choose to end the phone call, dependant on the levels of danger and respective exilleration

"take your finger out of my arse dear, my mums on the phone.. actually keep it right...THERE!!!"

by dAVE November 28, 2004

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž



Random Act of Kindness.

Just an unexpected, and completely random, act of a good deed, hence kindness.

"I figured I'd pay for his meal. You know, just an RAK."
"Random Act of Kindness."

by dAVE July 7, 2004

186πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


it has the same meaning as a bitch basicaly jus alittle less offensive to the person.
a bizzlenatch can be anythin a person place or thing.
a bizzlenatch may also be like the shyte or shit

yo lizzy is a bizzlenatch
wall-ball is the bizzlenatch

by dAVE January 26, 2004

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A family sur-name, whos male trait is large penises.

"there goes Mr. Wingrove, folks say he has a large penis"

by dAVE October 13, 2004

43πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


A term for someone who has any type of relation to the military.

"That guy's fuckin' military!"

by dAVE January 15, 2004

442πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž