Source Code


To hug and cuddle at the same time. I like to do this to girls I like. ^-^

"I like to huggle this one cute girl at my school. ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ "

by dAVE March 21, 2004

13πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž



Some damn good eatin'! Comes in countless flavors and two packagings (either a cup or a bag....or even a whole box of either one!). It's also quite inexpensive! ^_^

"The part I don't get is that, although ramen is japanese-origin, ramen is defined in my japanese dictionary as 'chinese noodles floating in broth'. Chinese noodles are called 'lo mein', and are very different from ramen (they often aren't in broth)...then again, unlike my brother, I haven't tried 'Tokyo Ramen'; I have Maruchan. There's much to learn.....especially about food. ^.^"

by dAVE February 12, 2004

90πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Short for "Avtomat Kalashnikov", the legendary Russian assault rifle.

"I wanna buy an AK."
"Which one? There are so many!"

by dAVE September 10, 2004

50πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Objective Individual Combat Weapon
5.56mm Kinetic (30-round clip)
20mm HE GL (6-round clip)

A top-secret weapon developed by Alliant Techsystems and H&K. Equipped with revolutionary new technology to increase lethality & range, and equipped with a built-in detonator (supposedly), and equipped with a built-in scope with powerful magnification for sniping purposes.

You can also use this gun in the Ghost Recon series! ^.^ take it from me....it's THE SHIT. ^-^

"Supposedly the OICW is being made and tested in Minnesota...my hometown!! ^.^ I love being Minnesotan."

by dAVE April 23, 2004

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A weapon, consists of a ball attached to a string, the ball has blades attached to it.

"Jesus Christ that weapon is cool!, what is it?"
"Well my soon to be dead friend, it's a Riptard!"

by dAVE January 29, 2004

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


*Acronym for "Good Idea", possibly used on chatrooms and internet-related communications.

*Acronym for "Government Issue".

*Acronym for "General Infantry".

*Japanese word, pronounced "gee" (not "jee"), referring to a type of martial arts-related uniform.

"I g0nn@ r0xx0rz yor s0xxorz"

"What does GI in GI Joe mean? Government Issue or General Infantry?"

"A samurai gi is VERY spacy. I'd love to see a woman in a samurai gi. ^.^ "

by dAVE November 5, 2004

113πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž



"Holocaust" in hebrew language.

"Let's not forget the Shoah."

by dAVE April 4, 2004

91πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž