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young lady

1. What old people say when talking about a girl or young woman

2. What your parental figure says to you while yelling at you

Def 1:

Grandma 1: You know my granddaughter has been spending a lot of time volunteering at our church
Grandma 2: Ah, she is such a fine young lady
Def 2:

Mom: Young lady, you better explain yourself!

by dO I LOOK- January 25, 2021

5👍 3👎

Laddies, Lasses, and Lassos

What the click says before every video
Laddies- Any make viewers watching
Lasses- Any female viewers watching
Lassos- Any non-binary viewers watching

The Click: Hey there Laddies, Lasses, and Lassos, today we will be looking at more furry porn-

by dO I LOOK- January 22, 2022

Chapstick Lesbian

A lesbian that is masculine but not butch. She’ll be into sports and wear masculine clothes like flannel and graphic tees and a suit to formal things. She’ll probably have her hair long but either nothing is done to it or it’s tied up. She might wear makeup like concealer for reasons and maybe a bit more for formal occasions

Logan: Hey, is Lorreli gay?

Sarah: Yeah, she’s a chapstick lesbian

by dO I LOOK- March 18, 2021

47👍 9👎

“hear me out” movie

A term pinned by Kennie J.D. in her “Bad movies and a beat” series on YouTube. The term describes movies that have such an weird premise that the movie’s existence has to have been started by one person in a group of drunk people saying “hear me out”

M: Hey have you seen Rubber?

K: No, what is it?

M: It’s the funniest “hear me out” movie I’ve ever seen

by dO I LOOK- July 25, 2021

5👍 8👎

thought porn

What I say to describe a sexual fantasy

Me: So, the other day, while having some thought porn-

by dO I LOOK- September 7, 2021

gaytown, (place)

The part of a certain area that has more LGBT people and support then other parts of the state

Austin and Houston is gaytown, (place) Texas

by dO I LOOK- January 11, 2022