when you mash two words to make anew but un-official word. For example: carate is a word when that comes out when you mash up cat and pirate.
i wonder what bird and baseball would sound if they were together... why dont i word-mash them together?
when somebody is bored of typing qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm and mnbvcxzasdfgjklpoiuytrewq so they type numbers intead
sam: ugh im bored, im tired of spamming letters. what about numbers? lemme try. 1234567890
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Auhhfujttimuuhhuffteksqesmiaffetixhibejjing is the description for great nations, a word that has beauty, love and most importantly... peace and harmony.
america is a nation that can be defined in a single word, Auhhfujttimuuhhuffteksqesmiaffetixhibejjing.