a card game, the object is to have no cards in your hand or to have the lowest number ex:if i had two 3s and you had a ace you would. you start out with 5 cards in your hand then a strait
of three cards or more in or three of a kind ex: if i droped a 2 of clubs and if you had 3,4 of hearts you would not be able to spread .also you can not hold a spread only if its aces .the way you "tunk out"or"tunk-tisy" is if ex:i throw out a 3
and (if you already spreaded)you have two 3s then you spread wit dat you win and i owe doubble.same as if i droped and you are lower then i am.tapin a spread is when if you have 3 in your hand and i spreaded with three 3sif you tap my spread (put a three on my spread)
then i have to wait three turns before i can drop .for any other questions ask your local black man
man im about "tunk out" on this trick a$$ mark...give me money punk
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