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weed is marijuana, stupid. here's some names i've collected
chron or chronic
dro (hydroponics)
sticks and stems (shitty weed)
sticky-icky (dripping with THC)
mauie wowie
jamaican red hair
kind bud
skunk and super skunk
mary jane
grass (no one calls it that anymore)
ganga (pronounced GAHN-JAH)
herb or herbal
mids or middies (average weed)
damn, there's a ton more, i just can't remember from smoking all of the above.

yo, pass me that bowl of cherried weed

by daN September 4, 2004

5648πŸ‘ 2908πŸ‘Ž


Weed: Pastparticipal of to wee

Weed: Bud to smoke

Weed: Unwanted horticultural growth

Man I drank so much of Farmer Jacks cider last night, check this I weed myself before I got my johnson out of my trousers tripped and fell face flat in the weed garden and had to smoke the last of my weed just to get my shit back together.

by daN April 25, 2003

115πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


the greatest band ever and a huge inspiration to other musations

by daN May 1, 2003

132πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

full bird

A colonel in the U.S. military, as the rank insignia is an eagle.

We'll be having a unit inspection by the full bird this week. Let's make sure we look sharp for Colonel Smith.

by daN June 30, 2008

37πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


The rules by which a system or string of words is governed. Synonymous with "Grammar."

"Understand don't I saying what you're." would be an example of incorrect syntax.

by daN February 20, 2005

32πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


a scumbag, but only used to describe female scumbags.

that coot is such a drack

by daN November 12, 2003

23πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


an 8th of marijuana

Do you know where I can find Henry?

by daN April 29, 2003

2350πŸ‘ 1213πŸ‘Ž