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bergen county

One of the richest counties in the US. The east coast version of Orange County, California. Home to preppy kids and gorgeous women. The only decent place in scummy new jersey. Dirty Jersey!!

Yo i hit up the partys in bergen county like its my job son.

by daN April 25, 2005

1250πŸ‘ 297πŸ‘Ž


An especially dumb, ditzy, or useless girl, or a combination of all three.

Jessica Simpson is a dumb heezay.

by daN July 19, 2004

77πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


(the) loivous is. It is one in the same as the other is, but as similar as one might think. It is whatever you make it to be, therefore it both is and is not...or something like that...

everythin nothing

by daN June 6, 2004

Rice/Ricer is........

A rice isnt just some Japanese some american cars are rice .What "rice" means is that people rice out american cars aswell,like people rice out mustangs,camaro's,dodges,fords,chevys,saturns,geos,traillbazers,blazers,trackers ,and people rice out french cars,anything some riceboys can get their hand on and ruin they will.The defenition of rice/ricer is a person that buys a car and adds usless things to it,usless rice wings,those huge ass spoilers that dont provide downforce and is only for looks and the bumblebee style exhaust/exhaust tip,altezzas,(i would keep the stock ones on)and if your car has the altezzas it doesnt mean the car is rice that means the taillights are rice and must be removed with other ones.

Also check out
for more information.

Dude those camaro's,mustangs,saturns,geos,
trailblazers,blazers,trackers, and those french cars are riced out to the max!!

by daN July 12, 2004

39πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


a really beautiful girl

the hottest girl ever is this hostest who works at a restaurant i go to

by daN June 29, 2003

119πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


A disease caused by eating undercooked meat, usually pork, that contains trichinae, which develop as adults in the intestines and as larvae in the muscles, causing intestinal disorders, fever, nausea, muscular pain, and edema of the face.

If you eat that raw meat, you may get trichinosis.

by daN November 30, 2003

28πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Stay Black

A term of solidarity in the African-American community. To not sell out to Caucasian, or non-Black cultures way of life.

When my brother heard that I would be attending Harvard next year, he cautioned me to Stay Black.

by daN August 13, 2003

326πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž