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Ludo light

Ludo light is the definition of a sparkling drink, which when consumed will give you the luck of a thousand six-eyed dice!
They mainly sell them in the northern hemisphere. It is a drink which is made by two people. Ben Havockson and Wrinko Playson.
Ludo light is a great soda accompanied with the all-famous Chessburger.
That is the definition of, a Ludo light.

Person 1:Hey do you want a Ludo light?
Person 2: No... I am kind of full after that chessburger.

by dafik is cool December 17, 2021

3👍 1👎


the greatest word in existence. it is used to express excitement and pride.

originates from mimu

im very mimimumu today dafik :)

by dafik is cool December 7, 2021

10👍 1👎


An object consisting of something to eat and play with. Often comes in the form of two buns and one patty made of a chess-board mainly build of fir wood. If you get a chess piece in your burger you're in luck! Because those ones have each a different thrilling taste! Pawns taste like prawns. Bishops are sweet and tangy. Knights are a delightful soy sauce-packed oblivion. Rooks like a whole Caesar salad! And queens of a spiced taste of chili! Kings taste like beans.

Are you going to eat or play with that delightful chessburger?
We've got chessburgers on the menu!
Lovely morning for a game of chess and a burger!

by dafik is cool December 15, 2021

5👍 3👎

Trivial Pudding

Trivial Pudding,
the definition of a magnificent jelly but when being tried to be eaten a card will come out of it. If you answer the question on the card correct you will be able to eat a fantastic spoonful of happiness. There are also different card flavors each with a different spice.
Please pudd-it-in' your shopping cart!

Person B: no.

by dafik is cool January 13, 2022

1👍 2👎