an individual who is socially outcaste from the mainstream, or one who feels as though he is.
a peerless, shunned, or lonely human being.
i felt like a total pariah in junior high... i didn't really fit in anywhere.
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an oddly addictive, endearing cop dramady on the USA cable network, centering around the character of Adrian Monk (played by Tony Shalhoub), a San Fransisco detective battling with obsessive-compulsive disorder and his grief over the death of his late wife, Trudy.
i usually don't watch TV, but i make an exception for Monk.
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Navajo writer, artist, photographer, activist, and story-weaver. born in the south west in 1950, he is the author of countless books, many still unpublished.
i'd really like to meet him some day....
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generally interchangable with pansexual. one whose romantic, emotional, or sexual attractions are geared towards others regardless of sex and/or gender expression.
lorri set up a network for pan-, bi- and omnisexual visibility.
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a bisexual or sexually flexible guy/gal. originally meant someone who bats with both hands equally well, or someone who plays for both teams.
sarina's a switch hitter, she goes both ways.
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a genre of american music developed in the southern united states, with its roots in english and irish folk tunes, african-american blues stylings, and gospel. usually incorporates quavering vocals, fiddles, guitars, and southern accents. used to be decent(think patsy cline, loretta lynn) has now generally deteriorated into radio-friendly, predictable, over-done, poorly rhymed little ditties that all sound alike.
i love my patsy, but who in sam hill is this tim mcgraw guy?
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a woman who, generally for public entertainment, dons men's clothes and adopts a stereotypically masculine demeanor while on stage. as with drag queens, a drag king's performance can range from a silly, overdone parody to a more natural, subtle depiction of masculinity.
that drag king at the club was so convincing, i thought she was some man who'd wandered on stage.
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