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The people that make you then try to control you. You MAY or MAY NOT like them. Unless you wanna become a social reject i suggest you rebel AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Between curfew and making u look stupid as hell i think you'd agree with me.

My parents made me a social reject my entire life. When i was a kid they made me dress in cheap ass clothes that were undersized and beat up k-swiss to school. (Im BLACK what tha fuck do i look like wearin a fuckin moldy v-neck!?) When i told them i was bein picked on they basically told me to "shut the fuck up". (imagine spending 10 years of your life feeling/looking like crap while your step-mom precedes to spend your DAD's money to buy a fuckin house an 2 cars)

When i finally did start to make "friends" (when they werent insultin me) my peoples would make gay ass rules like be home at 9 (never mind the fact that your avergage MIDDLE SCHOOLER comes home at like midnight these days) yeah way to turn me into the group's killjoy.

Now that im a teenager i gotta get a job n i cant/shouldnt be askin them for money. OK, Thats cool but HOW DA FUCK ARE YOU GONNA MAKE A FUCKIN 16 YEAR PAY YOU BACK FOR INSURANCE THAT THE GOVERNMENT MADE YOU PAY FOR.

In conclusion, while parents may feed you n give you a place to live they can also turn you into a low selfesteem havin piece of shit

When i move away im GONE for good....

by damn assholes.... July 21, 2008

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