Source Code

azertyuiop qsdfghjklm wxcvbn

A phenomenon that occurs to a keyboard when a person is bored to death, however do note that this phenomenon is EXCEPTIONALLY RARE due to the AZERTY keyboard being near-extinct. It is also a way to distinguish the gamer noobs from the gamer pros.

person 1: I went to brazil
person 2: azertyuiop qsdfghjklm wxcvbn
person 2: YOUR GOIMG TO NRQWIL (translation: your going to brazil)

by damnboihethic69 February 8, 2021


Binary is a number system that of which allows all electronic devices to function. You may be asking, "But why? Why not just a normal number system?" well, binary is the easiest to work with, as it is a base 2 number system, making it so that you can represent the state of something with those 2 numbers: 1 for existent / in a certain state, 0 for nonexistent / not in a certain state. Binary represents everything. For example: the device you're reading this on: is it powered on? Yes. Are you a total BOSS at life? I sure don't know, but you do. Doesn't matter. Binary can almost always represent literally everything around you. HOWEVER: sometimes, you'll run into problems like: "Is my chocolate milk empty?" it could be partially empty, but then the answer would be "No", which is 0. It should be somewhere near 0.5. Look at it this way: you ask the same question with a different polarity (AKA say "okay, is it NOT full then?) it would then STILL be 0. So, then you write down 0.5, however that CANNOT be represented as binary. This is one of the problems with binary and normally why working with binary is so hard. This is why "fuzzy logic" exists. It's where multiple binary bits work together to make a "fuzzy bit" (not an actual name) and can represent things like 0.5. There isn't much else to show here, so to wrap it up on a high note, we have this:

Give someone (who asked a question that of which the answer to was 4) the middle finger. CONGRADULATIONS! Binary just gave you an excuse to give the middle finger to someone! You may be confused, but "4" can be represented on your hand IN BINARY via the middle finger.

by damnboihethic69 February 8, 2021


someone who fucking put a cat in a box with something dangerous that would have a 50% chance to kill the cat so that he could explain "paralell universes" better
schrodinger (1887-1961) was a man who wanted to describe that...feeling...when...a path forks, and...how to emphasize on that. so, he made "schrodinger's cat", a tale as old as time, where he stuffed a cat in a box, and put something dangerous in it (we actually don't know what it was) that had a 50% chance of killing the cat. now, this setup resulted is something interesting: WE DO NOT KNOW IF THE CAT IS DEAD OR ALIVE, UNTIL WE LIFT THE LID ON THE BOX. this shattered the universe and duplicated it, where there were now TWO of the exact same universe that of which only difference was a cat that was dead and one that was alive. he had single handedly described the fork in the road...PARALELL UNIVERSES.


by damnboihethic69 January 4, 2021

22👍 6👎

I need to do my homework

me too, bro. me too.

P.S. Truthfully actually I need to do my homework

by damnboihethic69 January 25, 2021


the characters on a qwerty (<<< I spelt that wrong the first time) keyboard that surrounds the X.

@worstpremadeever shoutout to him
"(trying to make an "X" doubt joke) what is the key next to z and c?"
"there was a joke in there but we didnt get it because were a bunch of pricks"
should have said sdzcAlt

by damnboihethic69 January 22, 2021