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despite what people say, a great country. powerful, rich, and overall nice people. the majority of people you see dissing the states on here are actually folks who live here as well, but are going through the "fuck everyone i wanna be different and cool" phase in their life. a cool place, lived here my whole life, and there are just as many dumb people here as anywhere else. the U.S is misunderstood due to George bush jr, NOT sr, and is in decline. but as a country based off of freedom and liberty, i know we can bounce back. the land of the free and the home of the brave, i am proud to be an american!

Australian: i hear everyone in the states is dumb and fat, not to be rude though, mate

American: well, not exactly. maybe our leader made you believe that, but we are actually a capitalist nation, so a majority of us are smart. and we do have an obesity problem. but mostly in Texas.

by darmanithegreat May 17, 2011

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