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filipino slang for a piano

"huy roul! play dee eighty-eight por us"

by darrenzo February 15, 2003

39👍 41👎


a hat or a person's salad

"Dude nice lid, where did you get it?"

by darrenzo February 15, 2003

13👍 181👎

double blade

filipino slang for a gay person

"oh youu see dot guy? hee pees me out totally! he's a gay, a double blade!"

by darrenzo February 15, 2003

4👍 30👎


alternative way of saying "stupid"
comes from the first sylable "stup-"

"2 plus 2 isn't 6, stoops!"

"Pick up my pen ya stoop!"

by darrenzo February 15, 2003

10👍 11👎


your hair or hair-do

"nice salad buddy"

by darrenzo February 15, 2003

15👍 264👎