Short for the 75th Ranger Regiment, or 75th Airborne-Ranger Regiment. The 75th Rangers are an elite Army Ranger unit capable of being deployed to any point on the face of the Earth, kind of like the SEAL's, but specializing in conventional warfare.
"There are a LOT more Ranger regiments than this one."
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Australian New Zealand Army Corps. What the Poms called an 'Expeditionary Force' of young Sh*t Kickers that NZ and AUS sent to WW1. Were commanded by hapless bumbling Englishmen, resulting in massive slaughter, forming lasting bond between NZ & AUS. Luckily the English lifted their game in time for the second WW, slugging it out together for four years before the Yanks finally subbed in and hogged the glory.
ANZAC day Holiday
ANZAC cookies
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To be screwed
Derived from the sound of squeeky bed springs or sex without sufficent lubricant.
Bob: "What happened to that chick who got caught giving BJs in the boys room?"
Dan: "Thump Eah Eah Eah"
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Miscellaneous goods relating to something.
"Correct me if I spelt this wrong."
When some dumb fuck like Brownie leaves something under the grill and goes into the lounge to have milk and cookies whilst the kitchen catches fire.
"You twat Brownie!! You burnt the sodding bacon again!!
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I hate to make this seem like a chatroom with my response, but I figured what the hell.
Anyway, the United States of America did not participate in World War II until after Pearl Harbor in the near-end of 1941. By 1942, the United States of America had been involved in absolute full-blown war, along with the UK, France, the Soviet Union, Italy, Imperial Japan, and Nazi Germany.
HOWEVER, it is a fact that America had wanted to seclude itself from World War II. After World War I, America did not want to participate in anymore international wars. However, after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, America had to drag itself with all its military-industrial power.
America got roughly 3 years of battle in during WWII, from '42-'45. On June 6th, 1944, in cooperation with the UK and other willing allies, America launched Operation Overlord (aka : D-Day), in an ultra-daring attempt to reclaim France, ultimately to reclaim Europe from facist & nazi grip.
Then, in the middle of 1945, America began top-secret experimentation via a letter from a man named Albert Einstein, concerning a way to "split the atom". This was called The Manhattan Project, and it was the experimentation of a revolutionary new bomb, called an "atomic bomb" (sidenote : the atomic bomb was originally planned out by Axis powers like Germany and Japan). After August 6th and 9th of the same year, a new age was born.....
World War II ended on September 2nd of 1945 when Japan, the last enemy, surrendered.
After World War II, it was realized worldwide that the United States of America was clearly the world's most powerful nation, although along with the Soviet Union (these two would rival one-another during the Cold War, which would occur next year). It was also realized that the originally-fledgling nation of the United States of America had a major purpose, which would be to assume major leadership of the world (not absolute leadership, nor even rulership, given America's purpose and, America believes that the world belongs to everyone).
Although America only got roughly 3 years of fighting in during WWII, America was said to do most of the work.
"I hope this definition works."
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An illegal substance that is smokeable. There are all kinds of names for this word, which are used all the time referring to it (a LOT of'em are my terms for marijuana):
*Stuff (my term for it; also "The Stuff")
*Scooby Doo
*Blow (also a term for cocaine)
*Peacepipe (usually used for native american types)
*Pipe (depends greatly, although unfortunately a lot of pipes contain marijuana)
......and MANY more terms.
"I don't smoke marijuana, especially ever since the first time I got ripped in early May 2002. It fucks with one's mind...I don't need that."
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