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cool pains

The pains you get when doing something particularly cool, or when you're in a heightened state of coolness. The pain usually manifests itself as a stomach cramp

homey 1: What's happenin' G unit, why y'all doubled over and rolling round on the floor and shit?

homey 2: I just tried my new robot dance without warming up, I gots me a dose of the cool pains bra

by dave is a queef May 17, 2010

10👍 3👎


And event when the number of Rah's present and the levels of Rah banter are so high that they could bring about the end of the world.

1.Did anyone see PM's question time? Got a bit out of hand, it was like Rahmageddon in there!

2. I've never seen so many Jack Wills gilets and Range Rovers in one place - Rahmageddon!

by dave is a queef April 29, 2011