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After years and years of rejection from the higher ranked and all-around better school, Deerfield Academy, the students of Choate natrually developed intense jealousy toward the elite Deerfield students. A "Choatie" is someone who uncontrollably displays this jealousy by banging savagely on trash cans and running around shirtless with their fat, hairy, disgusting bodies flapping about in the wind for all the world to see.

The male specimen is certainly an ugly creature; little research has been conducted because scientists have been too disguted by their habitual stench of defeat.
Female choaties are too preoccupied with popping their zits and tweezing their unsightly nose hairs to realize that they are even in a school, making them the stupidest (and BY FAR the ugliest) creatures on the face of the earth.

Choaties are also known for belittling deerfield rather than cheering for their own teams. I guess they just can't find anything good to say about themselves, so they result to insulting others. how sadly insecure of them!

Damn, i'm glad my school's mascot isnt a pig.... But it is rather fitting, don't you think? A pig to represent the pigs! WOOHOO.

Deerfield Student: "I just got accepted to Harvard and MIT!"
Choatie: "I've never heard of those... What are they? Weight-loss clinics? where do you apply!?!?"

Choate Students: "deerfield sucks...? (but wait.. so do we...)"

by days of glory '07 June 17, 2005

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