A Looney Tunes cartoon episode, starring Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, in which they make a left turn at Albuquerque and end up in a Tale of Arabian Nights. They encounter a burly guard with a sword who protects the treasures and yells "Hassan Chop" while he tries to behead or slash anyone with theft thought
Secrets are disclosed in every tale, bugs bunny should have made the left turn at Albuquerque, now he has to save Daffy Duck from Mr. Hassan-Chop! the burly guard who protected a huge secret.. Sadie is a calico cat
482π 3π
A Looney Tunes cartoon episode, starring Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, in which they make a left turn at Albuquerque and end up in a Tale of Arabian Nights. They encounter a burly guard with a sword who protects the treasures and yells "Hassan Chop" while he tries to behead or slash anyone with theft thought
Secrets are disclosed in every tale, bugs bunny should have made the left turn at Albuquerque, now he has to save Daffy Duck from Mr. Hassan-Chop! the burly guard who protected a huge secret..
450π 8π
A Looney Tunes cartoon episode, starring Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, in which they make a left turn at Albuquerque and end up in a Tale of Arabian Nights. They encounter a burly guard with a sword who protects the treasures and yells "Hassan Chop" while he tries to behead or slash anyone with theft thought
Secrets are disclosed in every tale, bugs bunny should have made the left turn at Albuquerque, now he has to save Daffy Duck from Mr. Hassan-Chop! the burly guard who protected a huge secret.. Sadie is a calico cat
446π 8π
A Looney Tunes cartoon episode, starring Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, in which they make a left turn at Albuquerque and end up in a Tale of Arabian Nights. They encounter a burly guard with a sword who protects the treasures and yells "Hassan Chop" while he tries to behead or slash anyone with theft thought
Secrets are disclosed in every tale, bugs bunny should have made the left turn at Albuquerque, now he has to save Daffy Duck from Mr. Hassan-Chop! the burly guard who protected a huge secret.. Sadie is a calico cat
444π 11π
a person who gets married for food, shelter and companionship, and when it gets stale, time to find a new person to marry...
Eddie is a serial marrier, he's been divorced two weeks and he just bought a engagement ring for the lady he met at the bus stop.
637π 34π
when you about to screw your wife or girl and then she gets her period, DOH.
Sorry honey I know your dick is hard and my pussy wet but Aunt Flo is here now and we cant do that when she here
250π 25π
get out of the dark ages theyre not called secretary anymore, theyre called ed 'assistants' now. and Lollypop or lollipop are the longest words you can type with your right hand. chew on that :)
602π 65π