Source Code


a crazy asian

That crazy, squealling, constantly scrumping bitch next door is a crasian.

by deez February 23, 2004

124👍 29👎


Sucktard is a mixture of "He sucks" and "He's a retard." Usually used as an epithet.

"Dude, that guy is a sucktard"

by deez August 11, 2004

44👍 8👎


The crazy looking creatures in Halo. I don't know their real name so I refer to them as zorgs.

Holy shit! Look out for that zorg behind the rock.

by deez November 15, 2004

26👍 38👎


Getting the receiving end of an unfortunate event or result. Similar to "getting the duke" or any varying phrases.

Fred: "I bought a new computer! It's so kickass!"
Tom: "I bought a new compter from the same place you did. It doesn't work worth a crap and someone took a giant shit inside of the case."

(In this situation, Tom gets the dukeburger.)

by deez June 18, 2006

4👍 2👎


a undergrounddistributer of various item. Commonly CD, DVD PS2 Games

I got the Passion of christ DVD a week befor it came out in theaters from the bootlegger in the barber shop

by deez March 30, 2004

78👍 35👎



1. synonym for wicked
2. something sick, cool, outrageous, or phat.
3. someone/thing extremely wrong or evil.

yo dawg, dat konsert wuz str8 up wik3d.

by deez July 13, 2003

2👍 3👎


While engaging in vaginal sex, you pull out your dick and procede to stick it in her ass and then back to the vagina. This is repeated as many times as necessary in order to receive the full effect of the continental™. The conclusion of the continental™ is preceded by the slogan, "Oh, what a lovely tea party."

"I gave that bitch the continental™."

by deez February 27, 2004

12👍 6👎