Source Code


he is very gay

eek he is an F13TSB3L

by dendenthepuppy June 11, 2018

Full Uno Reverse Counter

if full counter and a uno reverse card did the dragon ball z combination dance u would get the Full Uno Reverse Counter which is stronger than "nay thee" and this is made out of nobelium uranium, so only for smart peoples. it functions like jojos "golden experience requim" and is unbeatable

Me: u gay
ThimoT: nay thee
Me: Full Uno Reverse Counter
ThimoT: *dies*
ThimoT:*gets killed again*
ThimoT:*and again*

by dendenthepuppy October 10, 2018


the best person in the whole world

wait is he THE sempai

by dendenthepuppy June 11, 2018


the best and most amazing man ever and he is better then god

he is THE sempai

by dendenthepuppy June 11, 2018


a small thing

is that Ur D1CK

by dendenthepuppy June 11, 2018

2👍 2👎