1. Intended to proceed to first name of a comrade, this term sums up the worthlessness earned by an individual after expectations have been broken.
I can't believe that bitch Rob didn't wake me up to go offroading with him.
28๐ 45๐
1. non-derogatory term used to identify a not-necessarily black brotha' from anotha' mutha'
2. used to express comraderie
C'mon nigguh, let's go blow up some dry ice bombs.
186๐ 89๐
1. the inflammation of the female genitalia
2. a disorder infecting one who's immediate actions may reflect those of a pussy
My friend only drank one beer and he puked, what a case of vaginitis.
15๐ 27๐
A hostile or warlike attitude, nature, or inclination; belligerency
Drinking too much Everclear often leads to belligerence.
25๐ 10๐
1. An irresistable member of an elite community, which focuses on preparing for the future, kicking major ass in all serious sports, and dominating the job market after graduation.
2. A well balanced student.
3. One who has a liberated mind and uses his fantastic mental powers to benefit the quality of life.
4. 90% of the time, a wealthy and successful leader in his area of occupation.
1. Son: Mommy, when I grow up I want to be a Longhorn.
Mother: Yer bucktooth ass ain't never gonna see nuthin' but that gas station town you been goin to school in fer the last 6 years you goat fuckin' little bastard.
2. You should be more like that stud Joe, he's a Longhorn.
368๐ 273๐
1. Cordial greeting to a whack prick.
2. Often used to describe an obnoxious fool who has no goals or practical dreams and earns his pathetic existance by waxing every detail of his boring past.
John smokes pot all day and makes fun of well-balanced people because they care about things that matter. John is an anus licking loser.
11๐ 4๐
Translation: "none o yo godDAMN biniss, bitch"
-Often used when one cares not to waste the slightest effort, rather shut up the other arguer
-Effective measure taken to deplemish one's opponent
-coined by Warren "nerraw11" Thompson
person 1: Did ya fuck her?
person 2: Nunya
87๐ 91๐