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N. The emotion you feel when something is really really cool and really really horrible at the same time.

V. The act of making one feel the noun above.

Proper usage is in all capital letters, as the word refers to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

(for more information, see the cracked.com article '6 New Weapons That You Literally Cannot Hide From')

I couldn't be any more DARPA right now.

Reading that article totally DARPA'd me.

by dexi April 4, 2010

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Get two beers and jump

When you are so fed up with your job that you need to make a grand "Fuck you all" exit, such as yelling over the intercom and jumping out the emergency slide of an airplane.

Flight attendant: "To the passenger who called me a motherfucker: Fuck you!" I'm going to get two beers and jump!

by dexi August 12, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Texas Toast

A person subjected to execution by use of the electric chair.

The next guy in line on Death Row is soon to be Texas Toast.

Guy 1: "Did you hear about that murderer?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, convicted. He's Texas Toast now!"

by dexi March 1, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


The irritation felt on your tongue after eating too much sugary/sour candy.

I just finished my third bag of Sour Patch Kids and I have a really bad case of sugartongue.

by dexi June 9, 2011

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Play Sweden

To act as a neutral party during an event or argument.

Guy 1: Hey has Jane picked her Super Bowl team yet?
Guy 2: Nope, she's playing Sweden this year.

Guy 1: So what did Joe think about the divorce?
Guy 2: He's friends with both of them, so He's gonna play Sweden.

by dexi October 10, 2009

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text that thought

Similar to Hold That Thought, when a conversation is taking place in person and one conversant must separate from the other, however, instead of a conversation being postponed until a later time, the conversation is continued via SMS.

Conversant A: "So Joey turned to Mary and said..."
Conversant B: "Yeah yeah, text that thought, time for work!"

by dexi April 22, 2010

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