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League of legends player

A fat unemployed 25 year old loser who sits on his ass all day living in his parent’s basement that smells like dog shit and farts all while playing the same disgusting “league of legends game”. His diet consists of pizza and sodas. This so called “gamer” is too fat and lazy to touch grass or even get up to go to the bathroom. He sleeps in his broken chair (broken because he’s so fat) and in his sleep he dreams about his dad loving him.

XxLoLballs69420xX is a League of legends player who has ligma

by dhar woman July 20, 2022

43👍 6👎


a deez nuts joke; confusing people with boba

bofa deez nuts in your mouth

by dhar woman June 7, 2022

1👍 2👎


an awful indian food that makes you fart and shit

ballin like curry

by dhar woman March 2, 2022

46👍 22👎


To be missing articles of clothing

When I go into the shower, I'm completely brodo

by dhar woman November 23, 2022


A person who wants to brink boba everyday

My sister is a bobasexual

by dhar woman July 29, 2022


Horrible computer with awful hardware running on the worst operating system of all time. It is sometimes referred to as a lagbook.

I used to use a chromebook, now i use a windows 11 computer like a normal person

by dhar woman July 7, 2022


#1 African country
#2 Deez nuts joke

#1 My french teacher wants me to do a presentation about the African country: Gabon
#2 Gabon (Grab on) deez nuts

by dhar woman June 1, 2022