Georgia a hard working beautiful girl she most likely to be one of a kind she is a great best friend one of the ones that will help you murder your ex ( not literally) she is a great party girl and an extremely hot and loyal girl friend you'll be likely to meet one and if you have don't loose her she is a fighter she strives for what she wants and what she thinks is right and her bravery helps her with that, georgia has great body she fit and loves to work out
guy one: ur so lucky that georgia's your gf
guy two: thanks man can i ask y
guy one: bc she sexy and all the guys want her not to mention she is so nice
guy two: yeh
slightly out of shape, not as tan and you would like to be and hair gone darker
not happy already setting goals for the perfect bod for summer.
girl one: summer is coming i need to get back to my bikini body
girl 2 : hit the gym to the rid og our winter bodys ?
Girl 3: after this episode lol