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Advanced Placement

A high school program used to provide a more challenging curriculum to intelligent and motivated students. The AP program is composed of the smartest kids in high school and provides the opportunity to get college credit while still in high school. This programs is composed mostly of nerds and Asians looking to get admission to the most selective schools. A person is not smart unless she or he is in the AP program. I am an AP student and proud of it ! That makes me feel superior to the rest of my high school peers. It is a self-esteem booster.

Anna took every single Advanced Placement class her high school had to offer and got A's and 5's on the exams, so she is naturally going to Yale University.

by diana in the mist April 10, 2006

90👍 243👎


Simply put: A selfish 'person' that doesn't care about OUR(and I say OUR because all living things share it) environment,and therefore OUR planet, or the suffering of other human beings inhabiting the world, since their actions affect not only Americans, but also others on Earth, including those innocent people diyng in Iraq, and those millions of people, plants, and animals afflicted by their lack of concern for the environment.

Republicans are odious people, human sc*m.

by diana in the mist June 2, 2006

1340👍 266👎


-A person who is not a Republican, that is, is not selfish, self-centered, and greedy.
-A true democrat is a person that embraces the idea of freedom-the belief that each human being has the right to make her/his own decisions.
-A democrat believes in equality and in making available services to those with not enough money to afford them, because a democrat understands that poverty is not due to laziness, but rather to problems affecting a person's life.
-A democrat understands that not everyone can afford to go to college.
-A democrat truly embraces the First Amendment of the Constitution, declaring freedom of religion, freedom of speech,freedom of the press, and the freedom to assemble.

A single mother with breast cancer unable to work to feed her child and to afford adequate treatment for her illness begs on the streets for money or food.
A Republican's answer:'Ahh that lazy b*tch, if she just found a job or went to church. She deserves this for her awful sin of having sex before marriage. The Lord knows what he's doing!'
A Democrat's answer: 'I will give her money and start fundraising to gather money to help her.'

by diana in the mist June 2, 2006

1211👍 507👎


A disgusting purple mark left after some teenager sucked really hard on his girlfriend or vice-versa. This practice has (unfortunately) become very popular among today's teenagers. Unusually they also consider the topic a taboo, kind of like sex. However, unlike sex(a natural act) this practice is extremely disgusting. I dont see the purpose of it.

I'd rather have a leech suck me than a teeny bopper kid leave a hickey on my neck(or any other part of my body for that matter).

by diana in the mist May 31, 2006

90👍 330👎