Source Code


1. Spending an excessive amount of time perfecting your work.
2. Avoiding important work to continue your pet projects, while your co-workers pick up the slack.
3. Putting a ton of time into a useless project.

You really harbinized the job requirements. What a waste of time.

by diandre October 10, 2006

19👍 3👎


1. Writing buggy software.
2. Completing many tasks in a limited time and none of the work correctly.
3. Patching software bugs with untested and unorthodox code.

Everytime I hit the space bar it crashes. This program was definately vasquezed.

by diandre October 11, 2006

8👍 8👎


Writing software that works in 1 specific example and crashes in every other scenario.

He said it works on his laptop but it blows up when I run it here. He must have vasquezed it.

by diandre October 10, 2006

7👍 9👎