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Wish’s her name was Jayne with a y, but her parents fucked up when they didn’t add it on the day she wishes she wasn’t born. Ultimately planning to change her name when she’s old enough, just to add the y. Jane has a peculiar face, sort of handsome and sort of sexy at the same time. Her cheekbones are stone cold, but her smile is even colder. It’ll either make you run away, or smile back, ‘cause she really doesn’t smile all that much. Her face will remind you of a painting. Her sense of humour is elite. Sarcasm, mostly. But also with a hint of darkness and sex jokes. Other odd things too. Most people don’t get it, probably because they’re losers. Jane has a great sense of style but doesn’t really realize it. Although her and her family struggle with money, she doesn’t let it show. Jane is either angry or psycho, maybe both. She’s wicked smart though. She doesn’t really care what you think about her, but she’ll still threaten you openly, no matter how big a crowd can get. Jane’s a great friend, has lots of them even. When she meets a stranger, or mutual, she’s automatically laidback, funny and comfortable. But it’s impossible for her to let you into her soul all the way. If you’re a dickhead to anybody that’s close to her, she’ll fuck you up, words or fists. Both options sting equally enough. The voices in Janes head are most likely loud enough for everyone else to hear. So, if you know a Jane, become friends with her! Or she might just turn the world into ash.

Anthony! Who’s the hell is that girl over there with the sick outfit and the swagger walk?

Oh, you mean Jane? Yeah, she’s fucking gangster, don’t fuck around with her or you’ll be too transfixed to leave those beautiful eyes behind.

Hey, I’m Anthony.

Nice to meet you, Tony. I’m your worst nightmare.

by dickhead52837 September 30, 2021