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is bulgarian word for unsucksesful football player

Yovo we lost again

by dimo yoda 6000 May 28, 2019


pernicganin is a person from the bulgarian town Pernik.

They are also refered as pretty bad drivers .

He crossed me what a pernichanin

by dimo yoda 6000 May 30, 2019


A legendary clan of the south east part of europe . His members are mostly from plovdiv but its most recent member is from sofia . His known as ranchev the legend

This ranchev guy is a legend

by dimo yoda 6000 January 14, 2020

pod prikritie

is a bulgarian tv show about the bulharian tv show . Its the best tv show ever made.

pod prikritie is the best tv show

by dimo yoda 6000 May 29, 2019

pod prikritie virginity

when you havent still watched pod prikritie. and eveyone makes fun of you for this

You still have your pod prikritie virginity

by dimo yoda 6000 May 30, 2019


Its a bulagarian word fo a gay person in a negative way

This pederast stole my parking spot

by dimo yoda 6000 May 28, 2019

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