To give a part or piece of something
Damn baby, break me off a piece of dat fine azz u got!
58π 18π
Slang term someone who owns a station wagon uses for their car, implying that it actually has the power to pick up honeys (girls)
Dey go Keif Murray flossin in his honeywagon...too bad it ain't nothin but sausage up in dat piece!
40π 26π
a request for sex from a woman (not meant exclusively for anal sex). Includes all forms of sexual relations. Also used to describe entering an area with force. Can be used in it's past-tense to describe the completion of said act.
Also, used as "ran up in."
"Can I run up in you, if I buy you dinner and flowers?"
"They are gone, I plan to run up in that house tonight."
"the police ran up in that dope spot last night"
"I ran up in that one b**** yesterday."
26π 12π
When a girl turns 16 years old and is the perfect age to fuck tha shit out of
I'm bust in that sweet sixteens mouth!
51π 67π
The ITL is a small town located right outside of Charlotte, NC. ITL is a shortened version of the town's real name, Indian Trail. The town is filled with people who like to get drunk and blow stuff up. If you happen to drive through Indian Trail be on the look out for some folks building a bonfire in a field. That means that they are having a field party and you should stop in and drink some free hard liquor. There is also plenty of females in the ITL. And, if you are looking to hook up, then you have found the place to stop. If you end up in this place one night acting a fool, don't worry because the sheriffs won't even bother you.
I'm going to the ITL this weekend to vist some slizzles.
I know I was wasted last night, but how did I end up in the ITL.
52π 33π
another word for fronts which are removable gold or platinum teeth that go over top or your real teeth
I'm from tha Dirty South, best believe u gonna see a gold grill when u look in my mouth!
328π 123π
an educated or "big" word in place of a more common one used so one can try to appear smarter than they really are
Foo: I ventured to the marketplace and purchased many consumer goods.
Dirty: Foo all u did was go to tha damn sto and buy sum shit, that all u had to say...quit usin them $200 dollar words!!
48π 15π