Source Code

Sgt Sweatshirt

that dude is totally gay.

"sgt sweatshirt can go to hell"

by disgruntled by usmc May 16, 2003

3👍 10👎

ah cha cha cha cha

the sound someone makes after realizing that they are complete fucking morons and should be shot for their stupidity.

ah cha cha cha cha - I'm a retard- see meadows

by disgruntled by usmc May 16, 2003

23👍 37👎

butt hurt

when someone gets all whiney and mopey about something dumb. see green weenie

term first coined on a stupid boat filled with military personnel.

see also - meadows - waddell

you just butt hurt 'cuz you gotta scrub the floor.

by disgruntled by usmc May 16, 2003

49👍 80👎


The raddest dude in the fucking universe!

also found in the guiness book of world records under the aforementioned title.

opposite of terms like - henderson or meadows or waddell

you are SO cool! you're like, pendrey!

by disgruntled by usmc May 16, 2003

4👍 1👎