1. (lowercase name version) Your typical UrbanDIctionary user.
2. (titlecase name version) An elitist who doesn't like the following:
- Internet shorthand
- anime, save the Japanese version of Dragon Ball Z
- Engrish of any kind
- l33tspeak
1. name is fast asleep.
2. Name killed me for saying "OMGWTFLOLBBQ," and I was being sarcastic!
20π 33π
The act of commiting mass LUEicide on Tuesday because a "Dutch people unite!" thread was retardedly deleted for "Flooding/Board Invasion."
6π 2π
1. A place some people go to after they die.
2. Beatmania IIDX 9th Style.
3. Sunnyvale Golfland.
4. A geographic location. Take the white stairs across the street, or if you dislike stairways, elevator adjacent to it, 700th floor.
6π 24π
A 65 BPM song on DDR. The catch is, the arrows are extremely hard to read. Never play this song on anything above 1x scrolls peed and call it an accomplishment.
If Bag could be played on 1/4 scroll speed I'd do just that.
4π 19π
1. Excessive obsession over something.
2. Being sexually attracted to one another. Often mistaken for love.
1960π 968π
A lamer who whines about "AzNs" in every goddamn definiton he makes.
<gs68> Hello.
<kahunahu> Oh great, another pathetic AZN who doesn't type properly.
<gs68> I'll pretend I didn't...*shoots you*...hear that!
3π 4π