Source Code


Short for homework, which is annoying but will prevent you from working behind the counter at your local McDonald's or Wal-Mart when done.

I do my HW every day. It's annoying, but there's a thing called acceptance, dammit.

by dj gs68 October 22, 2003

684πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž


The lowest level in hell, where people are permanently frozen in ice.

by dj gs68 October 24, 2003

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Blazing Star

The single most Engrish game ever, beating out Zero Wing (which has only 2 Engrish parts: The intro and the ending). It's a side-scrolling shooter game like Zero Wing, only with way better graphics, many ships to choose from (can you saw "offensiv" and "diffensiv" ships?), and can be found on Neo-Geo machines. Phrases in the game include:

- Get it more!
- Collected all panels! (before getting all of them)
- Collect all lucky panels! (after getting all of them)
- Hey poor player!
- Are you serious?
- Watch out! The big one is closing in!
- It's coming! Destroyed the space colony!
- Avoid all?
- Stage (something): The Guardian's Criff
- Stage (something): The Crooked Embryo

I couldn't get past stage 3 in Blazing Star due to the stupid Engrish.

by dj gs68 July 8, 2003

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Current Events (CE)

A board on GameFAQs with actual, intelligent discussions, unlike Life, the Universe, and Everything. You don't need a high user level to get in, but you can't get in initally either.

I asked how to play Thirteen on CE, it worked; I asked on LUE, no one responded.

by dj gs68 May 15, 2003

18πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


What the authors of most of the definitions for school, homework, DDR, and parents need to learn.

People can't just accept school and homework. They're there so you can get a good, high-paying job. Not drug dealing, not a McDonald's cashier, not prostitution.

by dj gs68 October 24, 2003

40πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


The best DDR player ever. He can pass one of the hardest DDR songs, MAX 300, with a perfect score.

Isn't Yasu the dude who flipped me off when he got 1 Great?

by dj gs68 May 14, 2003

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

beatmania 2dx

A game that dj gs68 needs to stop playing before his obsession with it turns into a capital crime.

People on GameFAQs's BEMANI and Rhythm Action board want me banned for whoring about 2DX in every topic.

by dj gs68 October 24, 2003

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž