Source Code


A song from Beatmania IIDX that people fail to realize kicks serious ass.

Heartbeat is a Eurobeat song. Fuck you if you don't like that kind of music.

by dj gs68 August 22, 2003

12πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Getting banned on purpose on GameFAQs. It's now considered an auto-flag word there.

by dj gs68 May 10, 2003

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Burning Up For You


Length: 4:47
Artist: Sara
Appearances: IIDX 7th Style, Initial D
Recording company: Avex Trax

IIDX info:
Length: 1:55
Category: Hyper Eurobeat
Light 7: 2 stars/208 notes
7 Keys: 4 stars/421 notes
Another (7): 735 notes
Light 14: 4 stars/521 notes
14 Keys: 5 stars/600 notes
Another (14): 727

I've passed Burning Up For You on 7 Keys, and I have yet to try it on Another (7)

by dj gs68 July 8, 2003

18πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Sonic CulT

A kick-ass Sonic the Hedgehog compilation site. I must warn you, it contains rather explicit content and language.

It also has a message board with no rules regarding flaming, a forum where you can bitch about stuff, etc. I post there as dj gs68 and use an anime girl in a bikini for an avatar. ~_^

Sega's Sonic pages suck, I'm going to Sonic CulT.

by dj gs68 May 21, 2003

17πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

se><0r the face

The act of sitting your ass on top of another person's face.

That guy just se><0r3d her face.

by dj gs68 October 24, 2003

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Super Mario World

A game with songs that get EASILY STUCKIN MY HEAD!!!!

I played Super Mario World, and when I went to bed, some of the game music was stuck in my head. When I went to read LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring in bed, it was still stuck in my head. When I slept, I had a really weird dream of Super Mario World. When I woke up, the music was still stuck in my head. Even after listening to songs by Jenny ROM for half an hour, the songs were still stuck in my head.

by dj gs68 August 24, 2003

163πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

soviet russia

In Soviet Russia, definition adds you!

by dj gs68 August 10, 2003

2368πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž