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Someone who posts the name of people only they know on urbandictionary.

"Im gonna make a definition about some guy I know even though nobody knows or cares.. God, I'm an imbecile"

by do I have to put something here? June 28, 2004

737πŸ‘ 326πŸ‘Ž

Father Ted

The funniest thing on TV, about three priests living on a remote island off the coast of Ireland. Who cares whether it's technically Irish or British? It's still fantastic.

Father Ted is the central character. He is often very dishonest, making up lies to get out of trouble almost every episode. He is desperate to work in the US or/and go on TV.

"I'm not a fascist. I'm a priest. Fascists dress up in black and tell people what to do. Whereas priests... ...More drink?"

Father Dougal is a very dimwitted young priest, who often forgets that he is a priest. He is guilty of the following acts: convincing a bishop to become an atheist, causing fires and explosions while doing a funeral, and generally being an eejit.

"God, I've never seen a clock at 5 a.m. before!"

"I'm no good at judging the size of crowds Ted, but I'd say there's about seventeen million of them out there"

Father Jack is an ignorant, violent, bigoted old alcoholic who enjoys sleeping, throwing stuff at the TV, and physically abusing his fellow priests. He only generally knows four words: FECK, ARSE, DRINK and GIRLS. He has a great fear for nuns. Possible paedophile.

"Don't tell me I'm still on that feckin' island!"

"I love my brick!"

"That would be an ecumenical matter!"

If you haven't seen this show, you haven't lived. 'nuff said.

Father Ted is only three seasons long, because of Dermot Morgan's, the actor who played Ted, unfortunate death. May he rest in peace.

Relevant quote:
Priest: "*Shaking fist at the sky* You bastard!"

by do I have to put something here? August 7, 2004

356πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

gay homo

Someone who is, bizarrely, so excessively gay as to actually do a full 180 degree turn in terms of sexual orientation. A very confused person.

Also a phrase used by complete idiots. I mean, really STUPID people. Am I right? Of course I'm right. Why else would I be typing it? I probably should have finished this definition a few lines ago.

"Duh, you're a gay homo"

"The gay society shunned Bob the gay homo for his double-gayness"

by do I have to put something here? March 20, 2004

84πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

duke nukem forever

Sequel to the popular shooter Duke Nukem 3D. Will never be released, and even if it is, nobody will care anymore.

Now you know why it's called Duke Nukem *Forever*...

by do I have to put something here? August 14, 2004

256πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

brain plague

The silent killer... Of brains.

"I went to Honolulu and all I got was this lousy brain plague"

by do I have to put something here? August 17, 2005

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A fast-growing distro of Linux, geared towards optimisation and people who like to tinker than other distros. It's straight forward to install if you RTFM, but still takes ages as it compiles everything from source code, so that it is faster and more optimised for your system.

The Debian user generalised all Gentoo users as elitist pricks, when, ironically, he was being the prick.

(I'm not generalising- this is a hypothetical character.)

by do I have to put something here? April 4, 2004

83πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

do I have to put something here?

A phrase used by some UrbanDicionary.com contributors who have too much sense to supply any overtly identifying information.

The answer to this phrase is, yes. UrbanDictionary won't let us leave the name empty any more. So go ahead and put "do I have to put something here?"

by do I have to put something here? July 10, 2004

44πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž