Sanitized replacement for "Fuck" used on "Battlestar Galactica"
"Aw frack and feldercarb!!!"
4532π 1983π
A mispelling of "Snort" used in association of cocaine use.
"You better stop Zortin' dat P, bro!"
4π 2π
A way to refer to someone getting screwed over by getting an unpleasant task or sheer bad luck.
Coined from the security guards from the original "STAR TREK" because they always got killed on assingment.
"Roger just got totally redshirted. He's gotta clean up the bathroom that the toilet backed up in"
21π 6π
To observe, peruse, check out.
"Wow! Scan that hot babe over there!"
46π 32π
To scope out an attractive member of the opposite sex.
"Whoa, sensors locked on that hot chick!"
7π 6π
The nickname given to Craig T. Nelson's character on "Coach"
8π 7π