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When an activist uses their reputation/beliefs/idealogy as a platform for hitting on people. Often used to persuade people to have sex with you and/or get them involved in your cause.

An animal rights activist uses a particular cause, perhaps at a benefit or demonstration, as a jumping point for conversation with an attractive (physically, intellectually, or whathaveyou) person of their preferred gender, in an attempt to get in their pants. Or at least their telephone number.

I committed mactivism like woah today, when I hit on that cute bikepunk kid at Foodswings and talked to him about Animal Rights.

by dosapottomus October 6, 2006

12👍 4👎


slang term for "vagina"

"her skirt was so short, you could totally see her schnock."

see also "schnock blocking"

by dosapottomus January 8, 2007

10👍 10👎


A sexual experience consisting of 10 or more orgasms that peak like the Rocky Mountains.

My booty-call provides me with many orgasms.

"Today, I am feeling randy and hoping to receive a Colorado"

by dosapottomus October 6, 2006

166👍 121👎