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A woman between the ages of 25- 35 when seen through the beer goggles appears to be a cougar. Her mediocrity in appearance is not worthy of cougar status. She has upheld an entry level position for all of her career and her means of transportation is often a Vespa scooter.

She tries her hardest to stick her claws in young stallions but is often shot down several times throughout the evening. She often preys on the drunkest male who in turn believes they have landed a cougar!

She prowls around the bars sippin the ever so classy Budlight Aluminums, which she hands out to her prey like candy on Halloween. Instantly love stricken the drunk male believes he is landing his 1st Cougar. Eager to gloat to his friends this male is reminded that he has indeed settled for a BobCat, the bottom feeder and lowest on the FoodChain

The next morning he awoke with a smile recalling his feat of landing a cougar, only to roll over and shriek at the BobCat in his bed.

She pranced around the bar with the body of a cougar, but the face of a BobCat.

by doubleonenine September 16, 2007

12👍 32👎