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smoke alarm

1. euphemism for a small busybody, frequently mounted on the ceiling, that tattles every time anyone cooks anything or takes a shower.

2. Good excuse to have a migraine.

3. Might even alert peeps to smoke too, if it didn't run its batteries down doing false alarms.

4. Never taken seriously due to false alarms. See also, cry wolf.

The landlord had to put in smoke alarms to satisfy fire code and insurance. The rents had to take the batteries out of the little ijits to preserve our sanity.

The whole complex burned down because a neighbor left the batteries in his smoke alarm, so when another neighbor's smoke alarm went off, he thought it was a false alarm.

by downstrike April 10, 2006

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Me, Myself & Irene

Proof that the movie industry still views some disabilities as fair game.

If Me, Myself & Irene had poked fun of a person in a wheelchair instead of one with a mental disorder, the cinemas wouldn't have dared to show it.

by downstrike October 5, 2004

24πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Making or fabricating stuff. (See also, paraphernalia.

We're manufacturing stuff because we didn't have any.

by downstrike May 26, 2004

12πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


1. A fictional planet from the novel Race for Doroon, where the Keeborn and Keegreet live, and where the story's hero Race is introduced.

2. A minor fictional character in the fantasy novel, The Belgariad, by David Eddings.

1. There is something in the water on the planet Doroon that the Keeborn need in order to survive.

2. I don't know who Doroon is in The Belgariad.

by downstrike May 22, 2004

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Make Love Not Spam

The anti-spam screensaver from Lycos UK. It's illegal to operate in many places, because it commits DDoS attacks. Any reputable ISP would cancel your Internet account for using it, as well.

The Make Love Not Spam screensaver uses your computer's idle time to commit Distributed Denial of Service attacks against spammers' servers, so the spammers are retaliating with DDoS attacks against the server that offers the screensaver download.

by downstrike December 1, 2004

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Monopoly: A bored, (pardon the Freudian slip), game.

monopoly: A legal concept that has been legislated out of existence by attorneys, judges, and legislators. Now that all legal definitions of monopoly are unlawful, simply understand this: When a corporation is so big that it doesn't need to worry about whether consumers like doing business with it, because they have no choice, it's a monopoly.

No please, let's not play Monopoly.

See PayOhHell, MyCrudSoft, and Kneejerk Corruptions, Incorrigible.

by downstrike December 13, 2004

33πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

skunk word

Any slang term used by bigoted or self-righteous people to negatively stereotype others. Even though the word may have its proper place in our language and a correct definition, its meaning in common usage is so subjective that it defies accurate definition.

An abortion is the medical and legal term for miscarriage. The introduction of intentional miscarriage brought about slang usage in which it means feticide, which is the medical and legal term for causing a fetus to abort, whether intentional or not.

A cult is the religious aspect of one's culture, thus the similarity between the words cult and culture. Bigoted name-calling insists that only "other people" join cults.

Democracy means rulership by the people, for the people, and all that that implies, such as free elections. The one nation that is most critical of what other nations try to pass off as Democracy can't even hold debates between its own presidential candidates without two of the four candidates trying to attend being arrested and charged with trespassing just for being there.

One person's truth is his opponent's propaganda, and vice versa.

Phobias are psychologically induced, irrational fears. In common usage, they are nothing more than something to accuse others of having when one wants to discount their opinions and be excused to behave in a way that they find repugnant.

If bigots only realized how bigoted they sound when they call other people bigots, probably no one would ever use the word.

by downstrike October 23, 2004

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