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Game sloped

A term used to describe - when a group of people work as one to topple a limited financial group to a end ass financial game !

Tom : Ow my God did you see what happened with the socialist Eleat with Gamestop ?

Davd : No what they got Game sloped !

by dragonboy8586 January 29, 2021


Thickair When air gets thick out of nowhere like solid matter and you trip over it or other wise obstruct you.

I was running and I tripped over that thickair.

by dragonboy8586 April 20, 2019

You can't win for losing

When you win something but , winning means you lose either psychologically emotionally physically financially, anyway that negatively impacts you.

You do the dishes cuz your parents told you to and ,then when you're finished they yell at you for doing it wrong even though they didn't tell you how to do it in the first place ! Man you can't win for losing

by dragonboy8586 October 16, 2019

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Wipper snaper

A term used by the elderly to describe a young person .

You darn wipper snaper get off my lawn !

by dragonboy8586 December 28, 2021

pulled out of thin air

A descriptive tool used to describe how easy or thoughtlessly a thought or item is brought to existence

It was pulled out of thin air. What? My Wonder and the rabbit out of the hat.

by dragonboy8586 September 11, 2020


A term used as a describe displeasure in something, dismay, such as simple disappointment.

Dan - did you win that game ? Frank - shoowt no they cheated !

by dragonboy8586 July 14, 2021

Bio universe

A universe of time , space , reality , dimension

, and more that transcend's what we can reach in our conscious reality , this is created by living tissue such as the brain .

Last night in my bio universe I transcended time and space and was able to fly.

by dragonboy8586 August 6, 2019