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A place were choads dwell, Or it may just be a hangout.

"Hey, Look over there at all of those CHOADS." One man says to the other. Yep, Thats good old CHOADVILLE." Says the other man.

by drew June 9, 2004

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A Christian band that originated in Florida. They have an interesting sound, which can be described as screamo, hardcore, emo, and metalcore. They're earlier CD, 'The Changing of Times', has a more hardcore sound (it consists of about 85% screaming) than their newer CD, 'They're Only Chasing Safety', which is about 50/50 between screaming and singing.

A few of their good songs include 'When the Sun Sleeps', 'Never Meant o Break Your Heart', and 'Reinventing Your Exit'.

by drew January 11, 2005

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insted of getting morning wood right after you wake up, you get it right after you wake up, preferably at 7:30 after you wake up at 7:00am

"when i woke up my cock was fine but while i was brushing my teeth, i got such bad jorwood that i was embarassed to go down stairs to eat breakfast"

by drew February 8, 2004

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


crack baby that likes to sleep and hates middle eastern people

quote from the gustino "i dont like middle eastern people, they bug me" in his funny crack baby voice

by drew October 10, 2003

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


One who enjoys riding on tractors, farming, playing banjo with people over 70, and wearing rotten, hick clothes.

Wotewum is a stupid rotten hick fag.

by drew December 6, 2003

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a fat kid with last nam beginning with h

Man look at that joe he cant play ball

by drew March 9, 2004

7πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


A vaugue term, often used indesciminately, to describe a thing or things that one would,usually for the sake of convenience, omit and sum up as "what-not"

"That bastard. Spends all his damn time messing with that ugly girlfriend of his.You know, just talking and what-not"

by drew August 13, 2003

149πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž